No more waiting for Farmers, the Farm Hub system is officially perfected, opening its doors to invite everyone to the battle games.
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Player in the first week
Continuing the series of events, have all the farmers received early Christmas gifts? The rules for this event are super simple—complete one task and receive two gifts immediately. Check out the details below
Grab the hot game now, why hesitate? Don't miss out on the opportunity to get 3 attractive gifts. The rules are simple, check them out below
No more waiting for Farmers, the Farm Hub system is officially perfected, opening its doors to invite everyone to the battle games.
Countdown 6 HOURS until the official opening of Farm Hub's main doors, set your alarms to be the first to step into the Farm Hub city with the super HOT game system
The time has come, dear farmers! Excitement is building as we approach the launch of the game system on Farm Hub. Get ready for super easy tasks on the TaskOn platform with prizes of up to $300 waiting for you!
To boot before the extremely hot games upcoming, invite farmers to be on the review!
THE FARM HUB WILL OPEN ON NOVEMBER 29, 2023 Moreover, to kickstart ahead of the upcoming super HOT games, we invite all Farmers to join us in a simple mission!
The announcement letter to the town has been destroyed by the villains. Now, the Farmers must find the correct piece to mend the torn text.
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