The Lord of Construction
᛫ This is the top race for the number of Stones received in the forest or in the farm.
᛫ Limit Level Account allowed to register: LV 1 and above.
᛫ Stones can be obtained through other features in the game such as Smashing Stones, Daily Quest, Events, ... (Not counting from mail or buying from the shop or in the gem shop)
᛫ Limit of total assets $ME: >= 0
᛫ This race lasts for 10 days. (The parameters of the activities that do not belong to the top racing stage will not be accumulated during the race)
᛫ The minimum number of points required to receive the reward is: 5000
Fried Chicken King
᛫ This is the race to top the number of Fried Chicken produced
᛫ No account level limit
᛫ Unlimited total assets $ME
᛫ For every 1 Fried Chicken produced during the event period will be 1 point
᛫ The minimum number of points the player needs to achieve is 50
Caramel King
᛫ This is the race with the top amount of Caramel produced during the event
᛫ No account level limit
᛫ Unlimited total assets $ME
᛫ For every 1 Caremel produced during the event period, it will be 1 point
᛫ The minimum number of points the player needs to achieve is 50
King of Carpentry
᛫ This is the top race in terms of the number of Wood received.
᛫ Limit Level Account allowed to register: LV 1 and above.
᛫ Can get Wood through other features in the game such as Chopping Trees, Daily Quest, Event, ... (excluding Wood purchased in Shop)
᛫ Limit of total assets $ME: >= 0
᛫ This race lasts for 10 days. (The parameters of the activities that do not belong to the top racing stage will not be accumulated during the race)
᛫ The minimum number of points required to receive the reward is: 5000
Reward Pool will update later